提言1 「絶対者は、誰かだけの味方ではない」
Dear President xxxxxxx,
We are with “The Academic Society of the Purpose of Creation”.
It is a society where we study every phenomena in relation to the Purpose of Creation.
The Purpose of Creation means the purpose that the Absolute Being had when He created this existing world. It is based on “Exposition of the Divine Principle” written by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
We show you respect.
So far, mankind has been seeking for the Absolute through religions. Christianity, Islam and Judaism searched for the Absolute through their respective approaches.
Yet religions are rather instinctive, and mankind could only believe in the existence of the Absolute until the present.
Now however, through the concept of “The Reciprocal Relationship” (source of reference: “Exposition of the Divine Principle”) mankind has come to the objective recognition that the Absolute being does exist, and there is no question about it.
As the result of searching for the Absolute in respective ways, there have been discrepancies among each religion and school in the expression of the Absolute.
However, in the view of the Purpose of Creation, it becomes clear that the Absolute indicated by these religions is the same being, and that His existence is unique.
When you view human beings from the perspective of this Absolute Being, all people are equal objects of His love. Consequently, God, the Absolute Being, does not carry prejudice toward any specific religion or school. He is not only for Christians, Moslems, or Jews. Also, for those who are with other religions, God the Absolute Being is not just for them either. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that, “God is on our side” and to say so is not God’s Will. God wants happiness on both sides. You should govern your nation based on such desires of God. That is the way to build truly happy and prosperous nation.
Do you agree with our ideas?
Yours very respectfully,